This report provides a deep dive into the cybersecurity landscape, detailing the niches within the industry and tracks each company’s evolution process, covering news, job openings, and development activities (for those that are open-sourced), changes on their websites.

It provides a real-time view into the dynamics of products and companies, highlighting trends and tracking the evolution of the field.

While it’s rare for professionals to engage deeply across the entire breadth of cybersecurity analysis, the insights and methodologies presented are crucial for market analysts, researchers, and investors.

It enhances the strategic understanding necessary for informed decision-making and encourages a detailed-oriented approach to navigating the complex cybersecurity market.

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Author: Ru K. Information security enthusiast
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Market summary
Funding Funnel
Y‑o‑Y Funding Trends
Y‑o‑Y Stage‑wise Funding Trends
Median Round Size by Stage
New Entrants to Funded Club
Funding by Team Background — College wise
Funding by Team Background — Company wise
Top Funding Rounds in last 24 months
Y‑o‑Y Active Investors
Most Active Investors: VC — Seed
Most Active Investors: VC — Late Stage
Most Active Investors: PE
Most Active Investors: Accelerators & Incubators
Acquisition Trends
List of Acquisitions
Most Active Acquirers
List of Acqui‑hires
IPO Trends
List of IPOs
Macro and micro
The research covers the topics from big picture about cyber security to the specific company details:
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